SNETP Forum 2023

15 – 17 May, Gothenburg Sweden

Program OverviewRegister here!

SNETP Forum 2023

15 – 17 May, Gothenburg Sweden


Dear colleagues, exhibitors and sponsors,

Welcome to the SNETP Forum 2023 which will be held  at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden, 15 – 17 May 2023.

SNETP is an international association (AISBL) composed of around 110 members from 25 countries, gathering nuclear power plant operators, research centres, nuclear industry and technical support organizations. The association has been supporting the creation and the implementation of R&D programmes since 2007.

The SNETP Forum 2023, aims at discussing and analysing recent technological innovations in the field of SMRs, AMR and advanced nuclear, safety, waste management & recycling, non-electricity applications, LTO and improved NPP operation, fuel elements and hybridisation, to enable the nuclear sector to play its role in the mitigation of climate change and to contribute to climate neutrality. The aim is to underpin the topics of interest to the European community and those that would eventually lead to R&D and innovation priorities and the harmonization of best practices within EU countries and beyond. Methodologies should be shared between LWR, Gen IV and ADS development for reinforcing innovation in nuclear technologies.

Conference Information


SNETP is an international association (AISBL) composed of around 110 members from 25 countries, gathering nuclear power plant operators, research centres, nuclear industry and technical support organizations.

SNETP 2023 will soon publish information for anyone interested in sponsorship and/or exhibition.

In the meantime please contact the conference secretariat Sweden Meetx with any inquiries.

Chalmers Conference Centre

The Chalmers Conference Center at Chalmersplatsen 1 is an ideal location for a medium size conference. The biggest room has a capacity of 450 people and is suited perfectly for big seminars there are further rooms for smaller seminars or meetings. There are also big, vast spaces that can be used for exhibitions and networking.

Practical Information




Host City

Gothenburg official website :


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